Courses Offered in Fall 2022

  • CSCD300 Data Structures
  • CSCD467/567 Parallel and Cloud Computing

Courses Maybe to be Offered Summer 2022

  • CSCD300 Data Structures
  • CSCD467/567 Parallel and Cloud Computing

1. CSCD467/567 Parallel and Cloud Computing

It is a widely accepted trend that more and more applications are developed and deployed in a cloud, as data volume grows at an unprecedented rate. In this course, we spend roughly half of a quarter using Amazon AWS services as a case study, including EC2, S3, DynamoDB, Elastic MapReduce, Lambda, SQS, Lex and so on. We foncus on the practical and up-to-minute technologies and real-world applications. In particular, how the data are stored and retrieved in cloud? How a cloud scales to store and process big data sets? How to write a program to process big dataset in a cloud with relevant cloud services? How to architect your cloud applications? How to engineer a system with high availability and fault tolerance?

Why cloud computing skills matter? Read Here!

2. CSCD445/545 GPU Computing

General-purpose Graphics Processing Unit computing (GPGPU) utilizes a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) to parallelize computationally intensive applications. Particularly, GPUs become widely used in applications demanding for high performance.

This course includes algorithms, methodologies and tools in programming modern GPUs. Topics include GPU architecture, Data Parallelism with CUDA C, GPU memory types and applications, reasoning performance, parallel patterns on GPU (Reduction, Convolution and Prefix Sum). Hand-on projects are required. Graduate students are required to read research papers and to implement them on GPUs. Research projects may include Canny edge detector on GPU, nearest neighbor algorithm on GPU, Neural Network Training on GPU, advanced merge sort on GPU and CamShift algorithm on GPU.